Well, let me try expanding each and every letter in PRODUCTIVITY.
- Prioritize the tasks that needs to be completed and work with a focused plan.
- Relax once in a while every few hours. You cannot be super charged all the time. Admit it and try to be your best in the time you are most attentive.
- Optimistic. Be optimistic and be hopeful whenever things don’t work out. Really tough, but it helps a lot to be positive.
- Don’t Multitask. Music might help. But working and being active on social media simultaneously doesn’t help.
- Understand your limits. Don’t push yourself too much beyond what you can do. You will be much more productive within your limits. But once in a while, you ought to go out of your comfort zone to achieve.
- Concentrate. Give your best every time, even if you can concentrate only for a short duration.
- Take a break once in a while when you feel tired. Take power naps.
- Improve yourself. Physically and Emotionally. Exercise and Physical well being improves productivity.
- Value your efforts and validate yourself at regular intervals. Have a target and march towards it. Sometimes you crawl and sometimes you run, but be sure to make it to the destination.
- Invest more time to learn. Learn a lot. It helps you to make proper decisions. Implementation is just simple. Planning is the harder part. And smarter and learned peoplr invest more time in learning and planning.
- Take sometime to appreciate and love what you do. Do what you like, admire and interested about.
- Yes, last but not the least, YOU NEED TO AVOID DISTRACTIONS.
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