Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Well, HAPPINESS. This is what comes to my mind when I think about it.

  • Health: Good health, good physique and a sound mind in a sound body makes you happy.
  • Accept things as they are. Extremely tough but everyone needs to practice. Key to Happiness.
  • Purpose in life and passionately working towards it makes you happy.
  • Present: Living in the present makes you happy. Rather than living in the past or anxious about the future.
  • I time minimization makes you happy. Practice more WE and US.
  • Never ruminate on what others think about you. Key to happiness.
  • Eliminate things that bring you down, people who pull you down from your lives. Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Smile. Make someone smile and make their day. Happiness spreads.
  • Stop Overthinking and Over-Analyzing circumstances and Situations.

Life is what you make it. Spread smiles even when you are hurt inside.


Well, let me try expanding each and every letter in PRODUCTIVITY.
  • Prioritize the tasks that needs to be completed and work with a focused plan.
  • Relax once in a while every few hours. You cannot be super charged all the time. Admit it and try to be your best in the time you are most attentive.
  • Optimistic. Be optimistic and be hopeful whenever things don’t work out. Really tough, but it helps a lot to be positive.
  • Don’t Multitask. Music might help. But working and being active on social media simultaneously doesn’t help.
  • Understand your limits. Don’t push yourself too much beyond what you can do. You will be much more productive within your limits. But once in a while, you ought to go out of your comfort zone to achieve.
  • Concentrate. Give your best every time, even if you can concentrate only for a short duration.
  • Take a break once in a while when you feel tired. Take power naps.
  • Improve yourself. Physically and Emotionally. Exercise and Physical well being improves productivity.
  • Value your efforts and validate yourself at regular intervals. Have a target and march towards it. Sometimes you crawl and sometimes you run, but be sure to make it to the destination.
  • Invest more time to learn. Learn a lot. It helps you to make proper decisions. Implementation is just simple. Planning is the harder part. And smarter and learned peoplr invest more time in learning and planning.
  • Take sometime to appreciate and love what you do. Do what you like, admire and interested about.
  • Yes, last but not the least, YOU NEED TO AVOID DISTRACTIONS.


Tough times in life teaches you that the following things are truly not worth the effort.
Not spending solid time with family and friends in want of money.
Online small talks. Face to face conversations are more awesome.
Trying to please everyone that you know
Working on a task without any plan.
Outstanding grades and no common sense. Total waste.
Ruminating over the past
Thinking too much about what if’s and should have’s
Hurting yourself for immature indifference from others.
Trying to prove yourself to others if they have misjudged you.
Holding grudges and revenge. Totally not worth it.
Excessive wealth and No charity. We make a living by what we earn, but we make a life by what we give.
Explaining yourself to people who will only think from their perspective.
Fighting for importance in friendship/relationship. If not freely given, it isn’t worth it.
Fighting with dear ones. We may win by arguments, but not the person.
Over-thinking to impress others.
Regrets. Not worth the time.
Time spent with negative people and so called “friends” (read acquaintances) who just are your social group but who don’t understand your pain when you go through tough times in life.


Silence. It teaches us so many things.
To be proficient in many languages is a skill, but to be silent takes years to become expert at. Knowing when not to speak and what not to speak is a great skill to practice.
Here is what silence taught me.

Self-control When not to speak and what not to speak
Introspection and knowing more about ourselves
Listening skills improved. We listen to understand not to argue.
Experience your true self. Talk to your soul and know yourself better.
Nothing gives more inner peace than silence.
Concentration. Silence calms your brain and not waste energy in small talks
Empathy. It teaches us to be empathetic towards people and their circumstances.

Silence is much more powerful than words.
Silence communicates. In fact, more than words can ever do.