Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Path to peace of mind

UNDERSTANDING THAT JUDGING AND GETTING JUDGED HOLD NO VALUE. One of the hardest things in life is ruminating and getting hurt about what other people think about you and your life.
Know and reiterate the following things to yourself. 
  • That those people know your name, but not your story
  • That they have heard what you have done, but don't know what you have been through.
  • That it is merely their perception about you and they haven't lived your life for you.
  • That it is unfair for them to read page 754 of your book called life and thinking that they know you completely. So don't give much attention to their misconceptions.
  • By believing, "If they were in your shoes living your life, they would fall in their first step" and staying strong.
People judge. People hurt. People leave. You need to be stronger and sometimes you need to get hurt real bad to understand life and you will mature. To live is to experience all the emotions. Pinnacle of happiness and the nadir of sadness. Sometimes people just are eager what happens in your life, they DON'T CARE. Not everyone has the same mentality as you and not everyone you truly care about, cares about you. You know who really cares at your worst times.

Top Ten Things One should experience in Life

  • Love Selflessly and Unconditionally
Love someone so selflessly and unconditionally without any expectations. That is the purest form of love. Love truly, be there for them, care for them, get hurt for them but still love them more. It is the most fulfilling emotion that you can ever experience. It is once in a lifetime experience. Future relationships may exist, but still not as good as the selfless first love. If it stays forever, cherish it.
  • Talk to people to understand them, not just listen
Deep conversations with the ones you love and care for gives you peace and it indeed is so soul relaxing. Always talk to others to understand and not just listen. Always maintain eye contact with the person. That means you care for them and are really listening to them. PHONE CALL and TEXT CAN WAIT.
  • Perform on Stage
Music, Dance, Standup comedy or whatever. Entertain people and see the fun in them. Be a reason for someone to smile. Make others happy whenever you can and make their day.
  • Go on a road trip without any plan and make crazy plans on the go
Go somewhere without a solid plan, with your loved one. Take pictures, hike, go to a random lake, some random beach, some random sunset place, and make memories. Life is all about these pleasant memories. Do what you like for a weekend.
  • Experience a broken heart
It teaches you a lot of things in life. It shows you your real friends. It teaches you some important life lessons and it teaches you to love yourself. If it is meant to be it will be. Wait patiently for your love.
  • Develop a new hobby
If you had never read a book, start reading. Develop new hobbies. Sketching, Rock Climbing, Singing and Dancing And So On.
  • Stop ruminating over what others think about you
It is just their perception, not your character. They just know your story, not what you have been through. Stop giving them so much importance.
  • Forgiving those who hurt you
This takes a lot of energy and a lot of wisdom. Forgiveness takes a lot from your side. But you forgive them because you are kind and mature.
  • Fail and fail miserably and have an emotional breakdown
Fail in something, in your love, job, etc. and fail miserably. Not everything comes so easily and life is not a cake walk. You have to experience failure so that you can get the real meaning of success. Cry it out. As hard as you can. Have an emotional breakdown after a hard failure, heartbreak and vent it out. Experience the nadir of sadness atleast once in lifetime.
  • Understanding yourself
This is the most difficult part in our entire life. We keep learning about ourselves every once in a while.